Global Banking Elite Controls World Economy

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Published On June 4, 2010 » 1611 Views» By jay008 » Conspiracy, Economics, Politics

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(An old article from my old site – the players mentioned here are in the news now)

A Simple Glance at the Geo-Economic Structure

By: Jay

Last Friday I called in to the Alex Jones Show and spoke with Alex and Bob Chapman about the Group of 30.  The discussion was essentially as follows:  two semesters ago, the head of the economic department at my university gave a lecture on the EU economy and the Euro.  In fact, after a few prodding questions from myself, she related that the EU set-up was similar to our privately owned Federal Reserve system in the US.  I asked her why a system of privately owned banks is in charge of the issuance of currency, and, as most status quo partisans echo, she stated that it was for “economic stability.”

This is now laughable.  Why is that after 1913 with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act the Great Depression soon ensued?  Where was the economic stability promised in this privatization of banking and currency.  Following the depression, bankers and their ilk seized tons of assets: this is how Joseph Kennedy, Sr. (JFK’s father) made the family wealthy.  After the depression, the engineered chaos was only “solved” by massive socialization through FDR’s “New Deal.”  We are witnessing something similar now, though rather than being primarily a federal takeover, it’s a banker takeover (but bankers have long owned the government anyway–think Col. House).  And its likely that if things continue to spiral out of control, Obama will, I’m sure, offer us a ‘New Deal: Part 2.” 


Since being completely removed from the gold standard under Nixon, national inflation has skyrocketed.  The last few weeks of economic chaos and banker-criminal looting clearly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, demonstrates that there is a global crime syndicate at work to devalue currency through inflation while ultimately seizing assets with real value.

Now that its obvious that private bankers control the game from the recent bailout debacle where we saw Wall Street threaten Congress with martial law if they failed to pass the bill, we can only hope that remaining  hard-headed skeptics will begin to investigate the geo-political banking structure.  This is not  a problem for the US alone.  This same private banking system exists in most countries in the modern world, aside from a handful of “rogue” nations.  Let’s briefly look at how elite families such as the Rockefeller’s control, say, the Central Bank of the EU in Frankfurt, Germany.

As usual, it starts with some kind of foundation/think-tank started, by someone with a load of money: usually David Rockefeller.  In this case, it’s the Group of 30, or the G30, which is an over-arching international body of financiers and academics that influences economic and financial decisions made in the public and private sectors.  This group of economic elite includes the heads of virtually all the largest private central banks in the world.   The head of the EU Central Bank is Jean-Claude Trichet (not Picard), who is a member of the G30.  And who founded the G30?  Geoffrey Bell of the London School of Economics and the Rockefeller Foundation, in 1978.

Thus, the international bankers occupy all the top positions–and Rockefeller and his Foundations almost always pop up at the center of it all.  So there you go: conspiracy proven.

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