Mass Brainwashing, It’s Technique and Process

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Published On May 22, 2010 » 4063 Views» By jay008 » Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, History, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology/Sociology

By: Jay

If you’ve ever seen the clips of Hitler rallies, one cannot deny that the mass demonstrations are certainly moving. I’m not saying moving in a good way: rather, the pageantry and ritual enchants the attendee, sweeping him up into a frenzy, where emotions and primal drives hold sway. It’s not unlike the shaman and his tribe, who work themselves into a corybantic trance state, where anything the “shaman” says then becomes law. Is this pagan analysis too arcane and superstitious? Absolutely not. Psychologists, sociologists, intelligence agents and even advertising students know that public immersion in image, sound and mass group-mind rituals profoundly influence people–this is essentially what liturgy’s purpose is.

We witness this with huge crowds of Obamanaics, who cheered, chanting “Yes we can!” On the most basic level, this makes absolutely no sense. Yet Obama is a total tool of intenational bankers and has continued the same major policies of George W. Bush. 

But it illustrates a good point: mass brainwashing and psychological warfare. This is what the masses cannot comprehend. Why? The fact that mass conditioning techniques and psychological warfare are not common knowledge is only part of the problem. The real reason that people cannot grasp this (along with the fact the public is severely dumbed down) is that modernity had moved away from symbolic, liturgical and ritual thinking. The ancient and medieval world had no problem thinking in this multi-tiered, hierarchical, correspondence view: this was their paradigm, their worldview. This is the true worldview and this is why it still “works.”

The scientific dictatorship, however, who in Darwinian fashion have re-structured and programmed our modern milquetoast minds through countless hours of bogus public education, television, video games, movies and trash pop-culture to think that all that exists are random, discreet brute facts. Most modern philosophy says we know nothing and nihilism is “true” (which itself a nonsense claim); modernist theologians tell us God is fully unknowable and devoid of any content; modern culture tells us culture is not ahistorical and that tradition is irrelevant. We are sold that the “self” is an meaningless collection of chaotic empirical experiences. And what happens to a mass of people conditioned in this fashion? They mindlessly chant for Obama and McCain, while they are robbed of billions of dollars in actual assets.

All of this is simply mind control. Mind control is real. I’m sorry that it is so, but its a fact. To anyone who has bothered to peruse basic history of intelligence operations, it is quickly apparent that mind-control programs such as MK-ULTRA are undeniable facts. But if most people fail to even read a single book in a year, how much less can they apprehend the ins and outs of hardcore psychological warfare? They cannot.

Often, what those who are able to comprehend fall back on is that while these things may be a reality, they are not by design. As if think-tanks and geniuses who are architects of the geo-political sphere can build space shuttles, robots and nuclear bombs, yet are too inept to plan mass MKULTRA-style brainwashing through all available means. The process of trying to “wake people up” and their denial is itself a confirmation that egalitarianism is false, for if it weren’t, then the rational tabula rasa common man could easliy apprehend these facts based on simple evidence. As has been said many times, the only reason the social engineers are successful is because people refuse to believe that there are “bad men” who are smart. Ultimately, it’s a pride issue because they cannot cope with the reality that global corporate entities control both parties and they serve the same economic interests – they cannot grasp ‘homo economicus.’

And so the masses who, in this example, intone their worship of Obama, chant “yes we can.” How could these people not see this blatant contradiction staring them in the face, given that Obama’s policies are the policies of W? Because they are victims of mind control–mass hypnosis on a grand scale. In other words, it’s pure, unrefined doublethink in action. The scary thing is, masses can be programmed as much as individuals to do terrible things. For more analysis along these lines, I recommend Michael A. Hoffman’s Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare and Jim Keith’s Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness.

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