What Has Happened to the Catholic Church in One Easy Article

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Published On April 19, 2010 » 3731 Views» By jay008 » Apologetics, Conspiracy, Esoteric/Speculation, History, Politics, Religion, Theology

By: Jay Dyer

If you’ve read much in terms of Catholic theology and Church History, it’s not too long before you come into contact with various theories about what has happened in the last several decades. There are countless magazines, books and theories, from all different vantage points – some “rad trad,” others less trad, but everyone knows there’s been a  crisis.

When I left Calvinism in 2003 I was immediately confronted with this big issue. As a veteran researcher, now, in this topic, I can point newbies in the right direction in terms of what has happened. Roughly 300 years ago, numerous anti-Christian/Catholic groups such as the Freemasons and Illuminists decided to bring an end to what they perceived to be a mental tyranny over the mind’s of men (to use Thomas Jefferson’s phrase). The medieval church was seen to be precisely this. Think for example, of Mozart’s famous opera, the Magic Flute, where the Church of the middle ages is pictured as the nighttime, and Masonic Enlightenment rationalism is pictured as the true dawn of humanity. 

Freemasonic lodges exploded throughout Europe 300 years ago, and spread all the way to Russia by the 18th century under Catherine. This was the revolutionary esoteric and occultic masonry that had developed out of the masonry guilds of the middle ages – no longer a worker’s guild, but now a cloak for gnostic and occultic sects. From the Illuminist sects morphed the Carbonari, who would be responsible for the document known as the “Alta Vendita” (found here) that came into the hands of the papacy. The “Alta Vendita” and other rumors of subversion produced such monumental papal treatises as (which every Christian should be familiar with):

In Emenenti of Pope Clement XII

Humanum Genus of Pope Leo XIII

These are proofs of a conspiracy, however much deniers would like to pretend there is no such thing as conspiracies. These groups didn’t disappear after 1900, either. In fact, in the days of Leo XIII a Satanist almost did become Pope, as author Craig Heimbichner demonstrates here.  Considering the continuing condemnations of such associations by the papacy (over 200 condemnations), it’s unavoidable that the conspiracy to destroy the Church continued.  So when modern writers like Daniel Pipes dismiss these claims, he’s dismissing his own papacy as well as historical facts. But no one need take such a man seriously, since he’s one of the few mindless neo-cons still churning out weekly lies.

Fast forward past Vatican II and we have the pedophilia/homosexuality crisis. The reason for this now becomes clear – elements within the Church had been operating in secret networks and cabals for years. The real cabal behind the pedophilia crisis is a cabal of occult cabala. This is detailed in the book “Lucifer’s Lodge” by William Kennedy, which I recommend to researchers.  So from these disturbing facts we have a general apostasy and rejection of Scripture and it’s norms and the adoption of homosexuality, which the Bible describes as an abomination and itself a penalty for rejecting God. The seminaries were, by the 60s and 70s, controlled by gay priests and bishops, as Michael Rose details in his well-known book, “Good Bye Good Men.” Here is an article giving a summary of Rose’s arguments. Many churches are now more or less feminized, banal Protestant committees of fat, old matriarchs.

Lest Orthodox and Protestant readers wax prideful and think they are immune, they are not. Orthodox Churches and Protestant groups have been subject to all the same problems of liberalism, homosexuality and perversion, however on a smaller scale, as there are millions more Catholics than Orthodox Christians. Sedevacantists, those who choose to totally reject the Roman Church, exemplify a false reaction to this problem.  Knowing this movement inside and out, as well as the SSPX, as I do, the fact is, all of these groups have some serious flaws that prevent more good getting done.  The progress of the good is impeded precisely because of the insular, stuck-in-their-own-irrelevant-tiny-box approach of these groups. I hope to write another article soon detailing some solutions that all these right-wing reactionary groups need to take to heart.

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