Jay’s Top Ten Conspiracy Films

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Published On August 17, 2014 » 9198 Views» By admin » Conspiracy, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, Film Review/Analysis

By: Jay Dyer

Some of these will be obvious, but as the readership grows there may be insights in certain lesser known films that deal with conspiracy in general.  My list will exclude all things alien, since the alien agenda is largely a bunch of bunk, as Jay’s Analysis has said all along.  In selecting my favorites, I’ve tried to balance quality with subject matter, as some films may have a great concept with poor execution.  If you missed any of these or if they’re long forgotten films you halfway watched with that date 15 years ago, I recommend giving them a look.
10.Conspiracy Theory. 1997.  Director Richard Donner has Mel Gibson as the tinfoil hat nutball seeking to uncover the truth about his own past.  Ultimately the film details the actual MKULTRA program, with Captain Picard as the handler.










9. V for Vendetta. 2005. A Wachowski brothers work, V initiates Eve into the realities of the establishment’s corruption.  An adaptation of Moore’s popular graphic novel.










8. The Manchurian Candidate. 1962. The 1962 film version of Richard Condon’s earlier novel directed by John Frankenheimer.  An early revelation of the actual methods and techniques of mind control, including programmed assassins and trigger words.











7. Three Days of the Condor. 1975. Directed by Sidney Pollack.  What happens when a CIA analyst has his own department annihilated and his life threatened by high level corruption and intrigue? Shit goes down, that’s what.











6. Rosemary’s Baby. 1968. Roman Polanski offers a chilling story of a Satanic cult that seeks to bring about the birth of the Antichrist through Mia Farrow. No, the child is not Woody Allan’s.










5. North by Northwest. 1959. One of Hitchcock’s best.  A normal chap falls for a duplicitous blonde femme fatale and is embroiled in a national espionage scandal.










4. Vertigo. 1958. Another Hitchcock, and considered by many to be one of the best films ever made.  What happens when you don’t learn the lesson of chasing viperous blonde vixens? Even more madness, especially when they have multiple personalities and wealthy handlers!  Check out my Vertigo analysis here.









3. Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire.  Loosely what we refer to as David Lynch’s “Hollywood trilogy,” these three films are an unnerving dive into a ocean of conspiratorial psychodrama.  What happens when you overdose with even more blonde vixens, sex cults, Hollywood’s seedy underbelly, a dash of mob rackets and mind control?  You get a nightmare trilogy from the dreamscapes of Lynch, that’s what!








2. J.F.K. 1991. Simply put, director Oliver Stone presents basically what actually happened, calling into question the ridiculous official narrative. Check out my interview with the film’s co-screenwriter and JFK expert, Jim Marrs here.










1. Eyes Wide Shut. 1999. You probably guessed it, but Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut is undoubtedly the ultimate conspiracy film.  Bill Harford (Tom Cruise), assuming himself to be one of the elite, stumbles upon an even higher shadow establishment that operates like what the pop mind refer to as “the Illuminati.”  Check out my Eyes Wide Shut analysis here.









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